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Water tube Boiler with natural circulation, either horizontal of vertical, for the recovery of heat from exhaust gases exiting gas turbines, allowing additional combustion. It is used in electric power generation in combined cycle systems.

We have two types of HRSG Boilers: Horizontal (horizontal gas flow) and vertical (vertical gas flow). Each type of HRSG has its positive points. The customer can choose the type, which is more suitable for each project.

The horizontal HRSG Boiler is a modular type construction and therefore reduces the field assembly time.

The vertical HRSG Boiler is ideal for a layout where space is limited.

Our HRSG boilers are energy saving and increase efficiency of the industrial plant. If you plan on building a combined cycle plant with gas turbines, we recommend our Hear Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG).

  • Evaporation: available capacity up to 600 t/h
  • Design steam pressure: up to 150 kg/cm²g
  • Steam temperature: saturated of superheated up to 540 °C
  • Installation: external